Sunday, August 31, 2008

Finally, a blog for the best of us.

Welcome to the Elite-est Elitist! The blog for people who are smarter and better than you. No, not YOU. The loser sitting behind you. Don't turn arou-- godammit. 

This election season, we've heard the word "elitist" bandied around quite a bit, particularly in reference to this blog's preferred candidate. Well, I resent that kind of talk. I'm sick of the anti-meritocracy. I want to see intellectuals with bright, open minds leading the way. I think arugula is delicious. I have a deep appreciation for the elite and the hyperbolic. Thus: The Elite-est Elitist

I'll be using this blog to point out and deride examples of anti-intellectualism, and to celebrate the triumphs of the better over the worse. Who the hell do I think I am to judge best and worst? Shut up, that's who I am.

I welcome my fellow elitists to share their clearly superior opinions on this blog. If you'd like to post an entry, send me a message. Before you do, some limits on freedom of expression are in order. A sampling of no-nos:

  • use of the terms McSame, McBush, or other similarly tired pun insults (pun-sults)
  • un-ironic allusions to snake oil, kool-aid, hot air, groupies, etc. 
  • Violations of Godwin's Law
  • racism, sexism, homophobia, threats of violence, cruelty, or meanspirited-ness. Unless it's funny and pertinent, in which case, go to town.
  • shitting on Hope (and lay off the Dreams, too) out of cynicism or hipster douchebaggery.
  • Ron Paul

Why all the restrictions? What are you, some kind of fascist?! Hey, this internet's got plenty of tubes for all of us - there are hundreds of websites to post your wacky, fringe ideas (McCain/Palin '08? These kids today are crazy!), and accusations of fascism clearly fall into the no-no category. Suck on that, hypothetical reactionary!

Welcome. Let the elitism begin!


Anonymous said...

What about Post Modern Racism?

Erica said...

Post-Modern racism is only funny when really smart, funny, and genuinely non-racist good people do it. So, that pretty much covers everyone at this blog. Feel free.

Rasquachi said...

Doesn't it crack you up when people refer to Obama as "arrogant" or "elitist"?

Just because "elitist" is the new "uppity," please don't think your fear of an intelligent Black man is any less evident... pussies.

[Love you Erica-- Steph Diaz]